Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It used to be different.

Christmas was a season. And it wasn't just that, either. It was a mood.
It was a complex mixture of feelings and tastes and smells and sights.
Even the weather changed from warm summer to brisk autumn to cold winter
in preparation for the Christmas season. It was a time to enjoy the
warmth of the wood stove. It was a time to hang pretty strings of
lights. It was a time to be together with siblings and parents.

That was then. But now is different.

For the most part, the cues to signal the Christmas mood are absent.
There is no warm, apple pie in the oven. There are no Christmas lights
hanging in the window. There are no shopping trips to the mall where all
the shops are decorated and playing Christmas music. The weather is not
much different. It is too hot to be near a fire. Siblings and parents
and other relatives are thousands of miles away. Christmas comes and
goes, and we hardly seem to even notice.

Now is different. But is that bad? Or does it help us in a small way
understand the sacrifice of Jesus, of Whom this Christmas season is all

Jesus was used to a life of peace and bliss. The angels sang praises and
honor to Him. He had wonderful sights and smells and enjoyed delicious
food. His close family were nearby and He enjoyed continual
communication with them. He lived in a perfect, sinless environment. Yet
He was not completely comfortable.

That was then. But things changed.

Sin entered the world. Then things were different. Everything was not
all peace and bliss, and His creatures were suffering under the affects
of sin and were unable to correct the situation. "I will go and
experience their misery. I will go and live among them and give them
hope," Jesus said. So Jesus left His family. He left His home. He left
His culture. He left familiar comforts and smells and sights. He left
everything to come here to give everything so that we could gain eternal

Jesus did not complain. He remained focused on His mission until it was
finished. And what indescribably wonderful results!

No, I can't complain. Yes, I miss the way Christmas used to be. And so
does my wife. This is the fourth Christmas in a row in Africa for us.
But we are privileged to be doing the work God has given us. Our
sacrifices are nothing compared to those of our dear Jesus.

Life here is not ideal. But it never will be until Jesus comes again.
Until then, our work and your work is to prepare ourselves and others
for His return and for eternal life. The eternal reward infinitely
exceeds any inconvenience or sacrifice we can face in this life.

Jesus, thank You for your first coming and for giving us hope and
assurance that You will come again. Our work here on earth is brief, and
after it is done, we may live with You forever! I want to accept Your
offer of salvation and commit my life to you once again.

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